Back in the day, this was originally a humble working outfit worn by Andalusian women. Known as the “Traje de Gitana” or the “Traje de Flamenca”, the working dress of the past has turned into what we today know as the Flamenco Dance dress. To this day it is also the only regional costume that has become a fashion. It is also a true icon of Spanish culture.
The dress was usually made of percale fabric and had up to four ruffles. An apron was worn around the dress to protect it from stains, dust and other contamination. You would want to stay pretty even after a hard days´ work!
The dress
The traditional Flamenco dress cut, (aka “Guitar Body Cut”) outlined the natural female curves in a subtle and beautiful way. Common accessories come in all kinds of colours and variants.
The accessories
These are various types of jewellery, like a shawl, wooden rings or bright coloured bracelets. Back in the day, depending on the season, a round or square neckline, (aka “pico”) would be used. A hair bun would keep the hair in place, with a the help of a large comb (aka “peineta”) with ornaments. A beautiful flower attached next to it and you would be ready to start the day.